Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lilac Festival

It's amazing the difference that lighting can make.
Not to mention the way personal preferences can shape the way you see an image.
Below I played with only two different flower clusters, the images taken within minutes of each other, but just the shift in position and the change in the sun make all the difference.

In these two images, I like the elegance of the first one the way the sun is catching the petals...
but I am drawn to the second one more. For me, there is something about the soft sea of flowers, delicately kissed by the purple in their centers. I might drop in a little closer and truly flood the frame in flowers.

Again the same flower cluster in these two images.
The front lit image shows incredible detail and color, it's what drew me to this particular bush.
But it feels too sterile to me when I look at it now.
I moved around to capture this same flower with the sun now at its back. Everything about this image is more pleasing to me. The darker negative spaces, the halo glow on the flowers. The softness in the petals emulates the sweetness of the lilac itself.
This is my new desktop.


  1. Beautiful. I'm glad you're still taking pictures, Deb. :D

  2. Gorgeous photos. I love that kind of bush/tree. The smell is amazing.
