Sunday, March 14, 2010

I fell off the face of the Earth

Or at least it seems so... where the H - E - double hockey-sticks have I been???

Well, many places actually... mostly looking for work here in my home town... which is scarce. I was hoping to stay in the photography field, but that is looking like a bust. *headdesk* I hate to do it... but I think I may have to go back to the world of banking... not my dream job, but something I am good at.

ANYWAY! What else have I been up to? Went on a few road trips... of course I brought the Camera and have many lovely photos I am now playing with.

I am still working on scanning in and improving the photographs from my September 11th project. I have about 6 more images nearly ready to post... I just keep tweaking them, OCD much?

Oh, and my writing... ok, yeah I have not been doing as much of that as I would like to admit, BUT, I did start using twitter as a medium to really flex my muscles in the writing arena... the world of Role Play is fascinating, but more than that, it forces me to think fast about my characters next move or remark... and I am really enjoying it.

Enough about me... I need to post something already... ok ok ok...