Friday, December 24, 2010

Lunar Eclipse

If you have never had the joy of seeing a lunar eclipse first hand, it's incredible. I marvel at how the moon turns to a full red when eclipsed, I was assuming it would vanish in the sky, but instead it shifts to the most amazing hue.

If you have the means to watch one, I strongly encourage it, they are far more frequent than solar eclipses. The next one is June 15th 2011. See you there, yeah?

Total eclipse of the Moon.

A lunar eclipse is a truly beautiful thing to see,
I hope to post the full series of these pics by tonight...
a little Christmas present to my followers... and myself really.
{Blows kisses to everyone}

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lovely Landscapes

'Tis the season.... For shameless self promotion.

It's no secret that my favorite images are landscapes... and I assume that my lovely followers enjoy them as well. So here is my only act of shameless self-promotion for the holiday season. Please feel free to contact me through email,, or even through FaceBook if you're interested in acquiring any of the images I have posted here over the past 2 years.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Alton Brown

Fabulous Food Show

The Fabulous Food Show in Cleveland, Ohio.
This is the fifth year for the biggest culinary show in the midwest.
Every year it gets a little bigger than the last.

Two years back I attended when the big draw for me was Guy Fieri. He is the host of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives on the Food Network, one of my favorite shows.

But this year, for me at least, it was ALL about Mr. Alton Brown.
I know I'll sound like a crackhead to most people, but to me, he is the Paul McCartney of the culinary world. When I had the chance to meet him, I told him just that (but that's another post).

I have to say, the chic who brought in her stand mixer to be signed is kinda my hero... I am SO doing that next time. Seriously.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Love affair with the setting sun.

I am definitaly developing a love affair with a giant ball of gas...
and by that, I of course mean the stunning sun.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

At night

I really wish I had had my tripod...
but there is still an element of beauty there... I kinda love the Falls...


White water rafting anyone?

Mind you the last rapid is a pretty steep drop.

I took several successive pictures of the rapids... I can't wait to layer them and play with the channel mixer in PhotoShop!

Sunset on the city

It's fascinating, Niagara Falls, New York... is kinda a podunk nowhere little town with a HardRock cafe (they have Wifi) and a kick ass State Park... but that's basically it. Niagara Falls, Ontario... is a very lovely city... with several casinos.

Rainbow Bridge

Yes. I admit it. I stood in the middle of Rainbow Bridge ...
and hopped back and forth going,
"Now I'm in Canada. Now I'm in the US.
Now I'm in Canada. Now I'm in the US."
Yup... I'm a big dork.

Sunset through the trees...

I honestly think I'm developing an obsession with sunset...

Mind the SIgns

This is one time where I don't dare disobey the signs.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lechworth day 2

Inspiration Point

For the moment, I'm not doing any editing...
but I took another shot with the correct exposure for the sky and
I look forward to combining the shots together for a little perfection.

Lechworth day 2

I rather enjoy the way the Oak on the left gets back lit by the sun...
but pretty much everything else about this shot needs a bit of work.
I'll likely start with pulling some texture and color back in the sky...
and then pull out the colors in the tree-line.

Lechworth day 2

Just popping up a few un-retouched shots, let me know what you think.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Letchworth Test shots

Out of everything... I must say... this one is my personal favorite.

Letchworth Test shots

There are some shots you just can only get during certain times of the day...

Originally my dad was going to come with me to the park... but I was leaving so late that he said: "It'll be too dark to get anything good. You need the midday sun to photograph the gorge because it runs north-south."

Well.. I beg to differ... I think a real photographer can pull something beautiful in any light.

Letchworth Test shots

What won't I do for my art?

I took the little jaunt out to Lechworth State Park today to do some scouting.

I think I'll pop a few pics up here, they're nothing too special, but in two days the leaves may have fallen off when I get there (that's my luck) and I won't get anything good.

I know it's not terribly impressive... but I damn near slipped and fell to my death while taking this shot... and of course Kendall was in the car and never would have seen a thing... and probably would have gotten fingered for my murder or something... (I watch too much forensic files).

I might have to go play with it in photoshop to get a little more out of it. *shrug*

Friday, September 24, 2010


Had I ever truly seen a sunset before today?

I have never done this before... but today I dedicate this series to my LoveLee... you know who you are.

It's not the destination....

It's the journey, right?

Today, I got in my car and drove... where was I going? No place in particular. In fact, the only thing I knew was I was going west. I thought about going all the way to Niagara Falls, and I would have, but I stopped and drove up this little country road and found a lighthouse and pier. I didn't think I was going to stay there for hours on end just enjoying the view and the warm air and the heavy breeze... but I did.

Needless to say, I took a lot of pictures while I was there.

And this one right here might be one of my favorites... but I think I am going to dig through them all and go all Monet on your asses...

Monet painted Rouen Cathedral over and over again because It was never the same twice. It was always different because of the changing light. Time of day, the weather, Monet's own emotions, all the little things that change over the day.

In the three hours I was sitting there at the pier, waiting for and watching the stunning sunset.... the every changing sky made me think of Monet...
I hope to bring you all a little series from today... Keep an eye out. *wink*

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The View

The View

As part of a project for "The Ideas Factory" I created this little piece. The concept was 'through the window' I went through several different images and pieces... and then one afternoon I was looking out the window at the sunset and it was simply too lovely to not capture.

When I did start playing with it in photoshop, the only thing I tweaked was everything *smirk* but the sky... I shifted the whole image to Black and white but left the sky alone as it was shot.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I fell off the face of the Earth

Or at least it seems so... where the H - E - double hockey-sticks have I been???

Well, many places actually... mostly looking for work here in my home town... which is scarce. I was hoping to stay in the photography field, but that is looking like a bust. *headdesk* I hate to do it... but I think I may have to go back to the world of banking... not my dream job, but something I am good at.

ANYWAY! What else have I been up to? Went on a few road trips... of course I brought the Camera and have many lovely photos I am now playing with.

I am still working on scanning in and improving the photographs from my September 11th project. I have about 6 more images nearly ready to post... I just keep tweaking them, OCD much?

Oh, and my writing... ok, yeah I have not been doing as much of that as I would like to admit, BUT, I did start using twitter as a medium to really flex my muscles in the writing arena... the world of Role Play is fascinating, but more than that, it forces me to think fast about my characters next move or remark... and I am really enjoying it.

Enough about me... I need to post something already... ok ok ok...