Sunday, December 27, 2009

Empire State of Mind

'America Under Attack' is the first image in this series...
'September 11th'

I shot this series, literally, of the screen of my television as it was happening. The idea was to capture the moment as most of us actually experienced it... through the TV. Mine was an older TV set... curved front, classic 'tv border'... you can even see the "grain" of the picture produced by the cathode-ray tube... I think that may actually be my favorite part of how the image is created.


  1. Deb, you've done a beautiful job of capturing the horror of that day. I saved the Time magazine from that week and someday, when I have to explain to my boys what that morning was like, I'll show them those images, much like your own, that can only begin to illuminate the cowardice and bravery of the 11th. It truly makes me sad that the good will and brotherhood that resulted for weeks afterward have been lost. Well done.

  2. Thanks Matt,

    I have to admit... you make me feel motivated to get the remainder of the series up here...
    Thank you!
