Monday, November 16, 2009

CLeveland Project

I started the Cleveland project, partially because I lived there for so long... and partially because people seem to have a preconceived notion of Cleveland being some dirty, ugly, rust-belt, low-class kind of town. OK... at one time it really was (I mean, come on, they were so dirty they set a river on fire) but, after spending a decade there I have learned so much more. It really is a beautiful city. In fact... where else can you take a train from the suburbs into downtown and be in walking distance of an airport, Great lake, a science center, several museums and botanical gardens, a Hard Rock cafe, an MLB field, an arena (home to a major NBA team), an NFL stadium, and a harbor 'housing' a submarine?

Speaking of a submarine... you didn't think I was kidding did you?
Ladies and Gentleman: the USS Cod.

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